XiaoMi M3 is in Malaysia!

XiaoMi M3 is in Malaysia!

Yup, you are right! The long awaits XiaoMi M3 has penetrated Malaysia’s vast smartphone market and really made themselves a hot cake now! Everyone is dying to get one with the price of RM889 that comes with the specs equivalent to Note 3, or even Galaxy S5 (I heard).

Anyway, I BOUGHT IT. Damn, I overspent this month on gadget and watch which is really unnecessary spending 😦

Will save more after this I assure!



The sleek and elegant design are causing my eyes not to stray away from it. My heart is starting to fail at resisting the temptation of owning one but I have to tell myself that I am very broke! Lines of events are pilling up again. Sigh… I need more money!

SAP HCM Results

SAP HCM Results

Whenever I look at this result, my heart will feel a stab. I am always one mark behind that makes an entirely different results. Borderline of pass and fail. This is the second time I scored such thing =( I really hope I can overcome it asap and resit it again. But RM1,600….. Oh my money!